A Little Knowledge (Spoken Word) - Elusive the Unconventional Poet am November 13, 2020 #RTCR #ETUP #SpokenWord #ConciousArt #PoliticalPoetry #PoetrySession #WordsAwaken #PoetryOfTheAwake #PoetryThatAwakes #PoetryFromTheBottom +
Ballots and Bigots am November 04, 2020 #2020Election #RacistVoters #BigotsVote #GenocideContinues #TrumpVoters #NoDemocracy #BallotsAndBigots #RTCR #RacistPresident #GloriaLaRiva #PSL +
Twisted Game (Spoken Word) - By Elusive the Unconventional Poet am September 17, 2020 #PoliticalComicStrip #SpokenWord #RebbieTheCompassionateRobot #RTCR #PoliticalLyrics #ArtToWakePeopleUp #ElusiveTheUnconventionalPoet +
The Genocide Continues........... am Juli 30, 2020 #StopTheGenocide #GiveThemAsylum #Asylum #WeAreAllHuman #ImmigrationDetention #FindYourHumanity #RacistPotus #RacistPresident +
2020 Presidential Election am Juli 11, 2020 #2020Election #electionSham #FakeDemocracy #RiggedElection +
Poetry Session am Juli 04, 2020 #ChicanoInBerlin #ChicanoPoetry #PoetrySession #AngryPoetry #LumpenPoetry +