The Injustice Continues......

 Watching the video of Jacob Blake an unarmed man, shot in the back 7 times in front of his children in Kenosha,Wisconson on the 23rd of August 2020 by Police Officer Rusten Sheskey was really disheartning. One has to wonder, who trains these police? Who trains them like that and why are the police not punished? If a McDonald's employee or manager in charge of the restaurant decided to take a rowdy customer outside the restaurant and seriously hurt the customer, or say even killed the customer, you clearly know this person would be fired and jailed. Well then, why are police not held accountable for their actions? You would think that is someone was racist, they could then join to the police and have a free hand and hurting "People of Color." 

It is also devastating to read that Jacob Blake is paralyzed and was handcuffed to a hospital bed while in the hospital.  This event took place almost 3 months after George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota on the 25th of May, 2020, by Police Officer Derek Chauvin.  When I read about these news, or even when I read about how "People of Color" still have to be alarmed becuase the "Right Wing" will gather and so they will need to be extra cautious, or when I read about how "People of Color" must teach their kids about the dangers of police encounters, and when "Anglo-Saxons" don't or do not even find this alarming, this I find really quite unfair. Especially when you are aware of what has happened historically. 

African-Americans were people stolen from their original lands. They lost their culture and their original names. They were seperated from those they love. Can you even begin to imagine the trauma?
They lost millions of people on the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. The came to this strange land that was colonized by genocidal Euro-Colonial Settlers and they were put up for sale on auction blocks. They were then inspected, and humiliated. They suffered from beatings their women were raped. They were cheated, they were exploited, the had no rights, they were not allowed to read, they were considered 3/5 of a man, The Dred Scott Decision in 1857 said, "Blacks had no rights the white man had to respect."     
They were maimed. 
They were terrorized. 
They were hung. 
They were whipped. 
They had their children taken away from them and sold to other plantations.
 The were to be reminded that "One Drop Black Blood Equals Black." They could not spare thier offspring of this fate, because they too would be born into slavery. They were not allowed to have affairs with an Anglo Woman. The violence, the dogs, the Overseer, the courts it was all legal by law. 

African-Americans were Segregated, They were disenfranchised. They have been ripped off for over 400 years. And for some even in death there was no rest, for many graves were robbed and the corpses sold for money, so that university students could use their remains to learn about anatomy. 

After supposedly being set free, their was always Convict Leasing. Their was also the Share Cropping sypstem. The were terrorized by the Klan and by Mobs, and they experienced many race riots, and massacres e.g. in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921. Their woman were forcibly sterilized. They were not given loans, they were redlined. The ghetto was a man made set up, making sure most of them would fail. The police that patrolled their streets were like overseer's all over again. 

You give them the right to the School to Prison Pipeline, the right to Minimum Mandatory Sentences, or being wrongfully incarcerated. You allow them the right to the Plea Bargain System, 
You even give them the right to For Profit Prisons and the continued Convict Leasing system. They have the right to being denied parole, over and over again, and the right to serve more time than Anglo prisoners for the same offenses. You continue to disenfranchise them.  Their kids are growing up without fathers. And for the kids with parents in jail it is pure evil to read that prison mail is being privatized and so companies scan letters fotocopy family pictures and construction paper crafts made by the children, and the parents are not allowed to have these, they only get the photo copy of them.  
Capital Punishment, 
The electric chair, 
the lethal injection. They destroyed the Black Panthers with dirty tricks like Cointelpro. This is what you give your fellow citizens. You criminalized their Black Lives Matter Movement, and some anglos even mock it. I read the government keeps close tabs on them, and labels them, "Black Identity Extremists."

In memory of George Stinney, Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fred Hampton Jr., Mark Clark, Bobby Hutton, George Jackson, Oscar Grant,  Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Breanna Taylor, George Floyd, and millions of others that died at the hands of the genocidal Euro-Colonial Settlers. 
Free all the African-American Political Prisoners:  Kevin Rashid Johnson, Jalil Muntaqim, Russell Shoatz, Mumia Abu Jamal, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Rev. Joy Powell, Sundiata Acoli, Jamil Al-Amin, and all the rest. 

P.S. For all you good White People, you need to stand up and stop this injustice, because when the system is built to benefit you, and you say nothing, then you are only complicit in this system, so please help fight these injustices. We are all God's children.  R.I.P. Jean Seberg

