Ballots and Bigots

After having  just watched Donald J.Trump (a racist, and accused rapist) serve as the President of the United States for almost four years now, I clearly thought the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election would  be a landslide victory for the Democrat Joe Biden. 

I earnestly thought the 45th President of the U.S., a man who downplayed the Covid-19 epidemic, and now because of his irresponsibility over 236,000 people have died up until the present moment, would lose by a considerable margin, but I was wrong. I did not realize there was still so much bigotry in the U.S.

Donald J.Trump is the president of the most powerful country in the world, and so when he decides to put on displays of overt racism, he knowingly emboldens racists everywhere, and he knows it. 

Just one example would be the shooting at the El Paso, Texas Wall Mart in August of 2019, in which the shooter killed 22 people and wounded 27 others. 

To anyone observing it seems that U.S. President Trump has called right-wing militias and individuals involved in acts of right-wing violence “very good people” at every opportunity given.

Therefore it seems to me that the scores of millions of U.S. citizens who openly knew all this and still decided to vote for Donald J.Trump are not outraged by his racist outbursts, because they may possibly hold the same feelings themselves. 

If this is the case then the deaths of the children at the Immigration Detention Centers do to the "Child Separation Policy" do not seem to bother them. The deaths of Carlos Hernandez Vasquez, 16, Wilmer Josué Ramírez Vásquez, 2, Juan de León Gutiérrez, 16, Jakelin Caal Maquin, 7, Felipe Alonzo-Gomez, 8, Mariee Juárez died at just 20 months old mean nothing to these white supremacists. The name Marco Antonio Muñoz whom is said to have taken his own life, after he was separated from his child, probably means nothing to the POTUS followers either, nor may the hysterectomies performed on unconsenting women at the ICE detention facility in Irwin, Georgia. 

It seems as if neither U.S. foreign policy or even domestic issues like police violence on black and brown bodies don't seem to bother President Trump's fanbase. It is as if the murders of George Floyd, Walter Wallace Jr., Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake and all the other victims of police violence don't mean nothing to them either. To them the Black Lives Matter Movement, is something to abhor, they wish it crushed, in the same manner the Black Panthers were crushed.

I will have to add that to a U.S. citizen who does care about the reputation of his country, and a man who is pushing to make the country he was born into a better place; I have to say that this man does not represent my wishes. This is not democracy. I did not vote for him, I actually voted for Gloria La Riva of the Party for Socialism and Liberation again, because I truly feel she'd better represent the working poor of the United States, but unfortunately Gloria La Riva's name was on the ballot only in a few states, and she was not even allowed to debate, so the two (pro-business and pro-war) party system continues unimpeded. 

Even if Joe Biden manages to win this election, and the people get what many consider "the lesser of two evils" it is still disheartning to know how divided our nation is.

It is also sad to know that scores of millions of bigots still walk the streets of the country many falsely labeled as "one big melting pot." 

