

The world you are about to get exposed to, was a world were those with the privilege, wanted the oppressed to forget. “Why do you have to keep on bringing that stuff up?” is what they asked.

It was a world, where the majority of indigenous people all over the globe had been hunted down and murdered or had been dispossessed of their lands and turned into instant nomads, making a living however they could.

It was a world, where people believed blindly in their television sets. “If the television said it, it must be true, for the television would never lead us astray.” or so the popular refrain stated.

The television showed only light skinned people. It was as if all others simply did not exist.

The schools brainwashed children from a very early age, but of course they wouldn’t call it this.  Kids were taught the histories of the people with less melanin. The other histories did not matter.  Kids were taught that white people were better than people with more melanin. This was done covertly of course, but at times not so covert.

Little girls played with blond haired, blue eyed dolls. The cartoons children watched had lighter skinned characters only, if a dark-skinned character made the screen it usually was the bad guy or the really clumsy one, that cleaned after the white characters.

In this world children with darker skin, wished that they could change color. They were truly made to hate themselves. It was all done deliberately.

“Maybe I will get lighter with time, and I could always dye my hair and get contacts.” Susy was heard saying.

After all the dominant society went out of their way to teach that white was beautiful. Everyone else was just there, and if they were allowed to exist than their sole purpose for being was to serve the white man. Their choice was to submit to a life of serfdom, or get out of the way. The white man’s crumbs were all they were worthy of, and they better get used to it, because what else could they do, rebel? They cannot win against the white supremacist order, or at least that is what they were made to think. This system had made two major systems, and one was totally against them, the other was made to seem like it was on their side, but in the end, it was only, “Controlled Opposition” so they never really had a choice, not if they played by the white man’s rules. Of course not all white people were involved in creating this system of exploitation, but their silence is what made them complicit, for they did benefit from it, so all they had to do was keep their mouths quiet, and they could live a comfortable life, free to consume and glutton as they pleased.

In this new world, all the institutions were infiltrated, and controlled by a few. It was a world where good people with compassion, who wanted equality for others, who pushed for justice, did not occupy positions of power. This was a world where people with enough points invested in stocks, and they could sit back and live comfortably off the backs of others. The oddity was that no one seemed to have told these wealthy people, that some of these stocks destroyed all forms of life on the planet, just to maximize points for this select few.

Greed was the order of the day, and those with the most points invested in stocks, clearly showed no concern for the future generations. They and their profits were all that mattered.  Quarterly profits above human life both today and tomorrow, that is all that mattered to the plutocrats. Hydraulic fracking, mountaintop removal, pipelines, minerals, points, points, points.

It was a world where the robots were taking the last jobs still available to the so-called “unskilled laborers.”

It was a world, that benefitted those that had great fortunes, at the expense of the rest. They pushed “Trickle Down Economic Lies” to everyone, but in reality, whoever did not conform, would just be taken away. It was that easy.

Over the decades, more and more small businesses were swallowed up by big corporations, and so the monopolies growth was unimpeded, and left no room for competition.


Many jobs were run out of forced labor camps. Nothing was ensured anymore. It was a world where people did not dare tell their kids that they could grow up to be whatever they wanted, because it clearly was not true. “Why even build them up like that there was no reason to.” is usually what people reasoned.

This was a world where the abuses with animals was breeding sicknesses. A world where sicknesses were bred in labs, so that they can be turned into weapons.

And the saddest thing was that those with all the points in their accounts clearly did not seem very concerned with these matters whatsoever. Nor with the facts scientists delivered to them about the warming of the planet, and the dangers that would entail.

This was the same world where Nuclear weapons were being stockpiled everywhere, and military costs just continued to grow. It was also a world where if you did not possess nuclear weapons, you would be in danger of being invaded by a country with a stronger military. In this new world where even space was militarized. It was all changing so fast for some, they sensed dangerous times to come, but they dare not speak out. These were the days when many were paralyzed by fear, and some were just too stupid to care.This was a world where planes were geo engineering, with the excuse of blocking the sun’s harmful rays, due to Global Warming, but in reality, they were just spraying aluminum and other chemicals trapping heat, and warming the earth, and killing the natural soil. The purpose was a monopoly on seeds, that were genetically modified to thrive under these circumstances.

This was a world where Robber Barons and corporations printed books blaming a fall guy, but not showing people the overall picture and the corporations always got away with murder, so the system could continue uninterrupted. This was a world, where people of color did not even have history months, they did not have the benefit of having their story told anymore.

In this new world surveillance was everywhere. All information was collected and if they ever needed to hold you accountable for anything, they would release all the information and twist it to benefit them and use the information against you, and they always seemed to win.  

This was a world where they broke people mentally, they would push them until the point where they simply broke and then they were discarded, like a dirty napkin.

This was a world where only the rich could reproduce, because they could afford the assistance. Humanity was basking in radiation, and so it made them less and less fertile.

Picture a world where retina scans, facial recognition, drones and still more surveillance, we couldn’t go nowhere, but when the state conducted their semi-annual False Flag Operation or other evils that they did, their perpetrators always seemed to miraculously get away.  

In this new world capital and racism where intertwined, like always. People would simply blame the downtrodden for societies faults, and this worked for those in power. Therefore, the people did not blame the capitalist system, and its flaws they blamed each other, and did not care about those on the bottom. It must be their fault if they could not cut it and make it in their wonderful society. But they were lying to hide their racism and hatred. They lied in this manner to convince themselves that they were not monsters.

The people of society did not seem to care when the saw police actions, and then later the actual thing happened the police were training for really happened. The half-raised flags, the lose your rights for your own protection and that other charade did not seem to bother them.

These lighter skinned members of society would go around harassing and intimidating people of color. They would tell them that they were not safe and try to pick fights with them. For the couples of mixed races, they would insult them and their children. These were truly monsters, yet they did not seem to mind, since they made up the status quo and could print whatever of themselves, and spin it however they wished using the medias at their control.

This is a world that was at constant class warfare. countries outside the United Society, where free game to exploit and pretty much whatever. The secret was you put a few in charge and they keep their people down, the crush them. Any unions, crushed. Any movements looking for change, crushed. Any movements talking about national pride and redistribution of wealth, crushed. Those that wanted to protect their forests or whatever were also crushed. The key was to crush people, so that they would lose all hope of a better life.

People outside the United Society and the Anglos-Sphere were told only Anglo people’s histories and they were ingrained with the idea that “only white was beautiful.” Only white models were contracted, models with higher levels of melanin did not exist anymore.

And there always was a persistent threat of elevated fear levels. They always wanted to keep maintain people scared.

These people with less pigment in their skin worked in cahoots to destroy the people of color, and their arrogance was sickening.

They would hang people of color on trees, and on their Protection Servers files they would label it as a suicide. 

In history class some stories were told, but if they had to do with people of color, then they would not bother. The only time people of colored were mentioned was when they were being humiliated for not being able to stand up to the injustice. The “tighten your bootstraps” speech was one everyone knew well.

It was a world where you scan your points card at grocery so when you die of a certain cancer, they will blame you, for the poor choices you made. You bought bottled water and so on. You put that crap in your system.

They controlled the worlds entertainment and so they brainwashed the world into believing they were good. 

Viruses were weaponized. They spliced genes in a lab and they always had new sicknesses, also possibly for population control, according to them, in other words mass murder. This was a world where those with more melanin on their skin were permanently under attack, by those with lighter skin, who assumed themselves “better people.” Yet when confronted with their actions or their history the lighter skinned always played the fools, and acted like they did not know of the acts, and they told those with more melanin, that they needed to “Get Over It. “
